Over on Blogging While Brown I learned that Bee of 83 to Infinity was hosting a blog carnival devoted to posts that celebrated the year gone by and the year to come.

Every day offers another chance to close the door on what you don’t want, and open another one. The media reminds us that the new year supposedly gives us the ultimate opportunity to start over. And quite honestly, I can’t deny it. Twenty-fourteen seems like the perfect time for me to keep giving my life a reboot. There’s a lot that I’d like to embrace…And leave behind.

Twenty-thirteen has been good to me. I started to pursue my dreams in a city that I love. I’m making new friends and meeting new people. Basically, my life is taking a turn for the better, and I’m thankful.

I also can’t help but be pensive. Over the past while I haven’t updated this blog. That’s partly because I haven’t had time. But I’ve also hesitated because I’ve been thinking about my content. Lately I’ve had questions about whether or not my site offers an accurate depiction of who I am or who I want to be. Last week I made a decision–to either scrap my blog and start over, or write a “that was then/this is now” post. This type of change is actually new territory for me, so I asked an unbiased source for feedback. She suggested that I could go either way. In the end, I decided on a bit of a compromise.

Friday night I went through this site, removing and otherwise suspending a ton of old posts. If you’ve been here a while, you know that I’ve written quite a bit about religion. I’ve often railed against the establishment–I’m no right-winger. Yet lately I’ve been concerned about the meaning that religion of any kind has in contemporary society–even religion lite.

Furthermore, currently, I’m on a bit of an alternative spiritual path. Some of my thoughts are bound to upset old friends and close family. I’m processing how I’d like to explain my evolution.

Ultimately, as I look ahead to 2014, I’d like my blog to offer a more accurate representation of myself. In the future I may or may not be more transparent…We’ll see. The longer I live, the more I understand that I need to make self-care a priority. It turns out that all those clichés about what it takes to keep a human being in one piece aren’t pretentious BS. They’re actually true!

One response to ““Looking back, looking back, looking back…””

  1. […] Claire of Claire She Goes talks about a year of finding her voice, navigating religion, and presenting her most authentic self in 2014. […]

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I’m Claire

Welcome to my blog! I’m a writer from Ontario, Canada. On this site, you’ll find my thoughts on a wide variety of subjects.

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